Cisco beginner topic : Initial Switch configuration | IT NETWORKS AND SECURITY

Through this article we will jump into the very first step to learn how to configure a port on a cisco switch.
In order to configure a small network as a beginner first you need to know what is a switch  (click me).

Basically cisco equipements are the most common switches so we are going to use the cisco syntax in this article, if you are interested in other equipements like huawei or, HP, ARUBA or others just leave a comment.


1 - Log to the switch using the login and the password  (use the command >enable)

2 - Than you should enter the previliged mode wich is (#); using the command #configure terminal you will access this mode

3 - Choose the port that you need to configure examlpe: 

    #interface fastethernet 0/1
    Than type this command 

    #switchport mode access  

    switchport means this port is going to switch packets
    and it`s mode is ACCESS, means it will only drive one traffic.

After configuring this port you can now connect the PC to it and start pinging other devices on the same network...

Since a switch can have too many ports you will maybe need to seperate them into different network, it depends on the type of job of each employees.

that is why we use VLANs 

check out VLANs in this link 


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