VMware NSX and VMware SDN VMware NSX is the VMware SDN network security and virtualization platform that emerged from VMware in 2012. This acquisition launched VMware in the world of software-defined networks (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV). The solution decouples the network functions of the physical devices, analogously to the decoupling of virtual servers (VMs) from physical servers. To decouple the new virtual network from the traditional physical network, NSX recreates traditional network constructions in virtual space: these constructions include ports, switches, routers, firewalls, and other required components. In the past, It was possible to see and touch the switch port to which a server is connected, but now, this is no longer possible. Basically, they still exist with NSX, but it is no longer possible to touch them physically. It is for this reason, the virtual network is sometimes harder to conceptualize. There are two different produ